Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shake what yo Mamma gave you!

Well I did indeed shake what my mamma gave me! Thanks for giving me something to shake mom cause I had a blast at the institute dance last night. Man... I had to take a break like every 10 minutes. So.. Either I am out of shape or I was out of control. It was so fun! I think I danced every slow song too! Usually I try to avoid the slow songs cause there is always a chance you get someone awkward... Someone sweating out of control... or someone that dances incredibly close! Mmm... I took the chances and actually had the privilege to dance with someone with all three of the above! It was a bad 3 minutes. A long 3 minutes. I was coming up with everything to say. I finally left the talking up to him. Nothing! NOTHING! He had nothing to say! You could at least ask me the color of my tooth brush or what my favorite food is. My tooth brush is actually blue and my favorite for is Mexican... I know you were all dying to know! Anyways.... That part was bad BUT the rest of the people I danced with were so fun. Oh my gosh!! There was this handicap boy that I danced with. I left that dance with tears in my eyes. It was so sweet and so sad. The boy took twice as long to say what he wanted to say but every word was worth the wait. He told me he was handicap and I made sure to say, "Well, You are the coolest handicap I have ever met!" He got a huge smile on him face. It made his night. He also talked about how we was never supposed to walk again and It was a miracle that he could walk... It was truely a miracle! At the end of the song he bowed done on one knee. I could tell it physically hurt him to do it but it was so important to him. I wish there was more guys like that :)

                                    IT was an awesome night and my dance moves were the shiz!

1 comment:

  1. dude i want you to get with the jordon udall look alike!!!
